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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Lewis and Clark Twitter Assignment

Last year, I did a Lewis and Clark newspaper assignment. I thought I liked it and intended to do it again this year, but when I got it out to make copies I didn't think it met the goals of my unit. So I had to scrap it and come up with something FAST. 
I love social media and I haven't utilized it at all this year in any lesson. When I taught World Civ, they created instagram pages for an Egyptian God/Goddess. However since I made the switch to U.S History, I haven't. So the Lewis and Clark Twitter Assignment was born.

I brought elements together from many lessons I found online until I found something that worked for my classroom.  The main aspect of the assignment I got here, from Room115's TPT shop. It was a little expensive for what you get, which I left in the feedback. 
The next thing was to find a Twitter template. I looked high and low and couldn't find anything I liked. This was the closest from Alli Brigg's TPT shop. I ended up downloading it and students edited it on Google Slides. I deleted some parts like "Trends" and "Photos and Videos". We just didn't have time to do that part, but it could be cool to incorporate next year.
Students were able to zoom in and edit right on slides and it was fairly easy, only after I explained what Twitter was. It was pretty surprising how many of my 13 year olds didn't know what Twitter was! 
It ended up being a great project, despite the parent who told me it was an inappropriate assignment... (??) Gotta love feedback!

Here's an example of a student that got full points!

The students loved this project and kept sharing their hashtags and tweets, so there was a ton of laughter! 
Happy tweeting! 


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